Stage 2 Learning Outcomes
The Stage 2 academy program is designed for players between 450 and 850 rating points.
These students are taught at a whole new level and are provided with access to advanced resources. The "Stage 2" Programme provides continuity for the students that have completed the Introductory Programme but also offers an option for kids that have good Chess experience (2+ years).
By the end of the "Stage 2" program you should expect to have learned:
Openings & Middle-GameBe able to understand and implement typical middle-game plans in the following openings:
As part of this study we will look at typical middle-game plans and the correct strategies for both White and Black.
TacticsDevelop more advanced techniques for winning material and checkmating their opponents. The following tactical motifs will be studied in detail:
Strategy FoundationStudents start their journey on developing a foundation understanding of chess strategy, the cornerstone of all strong master players:
EndgameNo serious study of chess can occur without a thorough analysis of the endgame. Students extend their understanding of King & Pawn endgames through learning: